「Bad Beat」是一个多元多语种的创意公司,我们拥有穿梭于音乐、艺术、文化的清晰路径,内容包括但不仅限于:音乐,视频,电影,演出和艺术现场。我们将前瞻思维下的创意内容有机结合,以不同模式为全球年轻人提供强印象的创意体验。
「Bad Beat」这个词的本义是小概率击中事件,或者说翻盘;为什么叫「Bad Beat」?我们的野心够大,以手里寥寥可数的筹码去改变当下市场现状的概率够小,然而今天是「Bad Beat」的开始,也是共同憧憬这起小概率事件会发生的开始。
「Bad Beat」is a multi-lingual/media creative house, we have clear distinctions across sound, vision and culture via music, visuals, films, performances and events. We organically merge creative projects with our taste, providing unique experiences, connecting youths around the globe with strong impressions.
「Bad Beat」means an unlucky/unlikely win; Why do we name the crew「Bad Beat」? because the size of our ambition, to picture a win with such little bargaining chips. Today marks the beginning of「Bad Beat」, and the start of us betting against the odds.